I had a lot of dreams in September.

September Dreams, 2024Antares' dream journal for September 2024. This month, I had "multiple" dreams in one night and vivid recall around the middle of the month.
#blogroll #dream
I had a lot of dreams in September.
September Dreams, 2024Antares' dream journal for September 2024. This month, I had "multiple" dreams in one night and vivid recall around the middle of the month.
#blogroll #dream
Dream journals are back. This time I abused my AMD video card and got some renders that approximate what I saw. (So many things want NVIDIA and CUDA.)
August Dreams, 2024My dreams of August 2024. I had good recall at the beginning of the month then started slacking off towards the end.
#blogroll #dream
Dream Journal of June 2023
#dream #blogroll
I deleted my dreams for May and put them in here:
#dream #blogroll
A few night ago I had a #dream I was wearing portable helicopter rotors on a backpack. It actually worked and flew. My friend and I were flying around airplane-height and playing around with a quadcopter drone. I however was around 50 feet in altitude lower.
I had a shitty, half-broken flying machine that dipped every now and then. I didn't have a parachute and for whatever reason, I didn't think falling from the current altitude would be lethal.
I had airbender powers to drift on the wind and ascend, but the backpack was a bit of a hindrance for some moves.
My friend and I however were later caught by the police and forced to go to a public high school. I had ended up in a classroom taught by a psychotic language arts teacher. We had a surprise field trip, and she led the class into a strange shed that had helicopter rotors on the wall.
After every student had entered the shed, she promptly left to turn on the rotors in an attempt to kill everyone. I however managed to break the glass of the window and escape.
I took a nap after work and had a #dream about Kagome Hirugashi from Inuyasha no longer being able to use her time-traveling well to visit the feudal era of Japan. She was trapped in post-apocalyptic, totalitarian Japan, but still practices spirituality with the white-haired, three-quarters-yokai-one-fourth-human modern descendant of her teammate from the feudal era (Sango). While there are no demons to kill in the modern era, Kagome tracks and collects anomalies in order to piece together the mysteries of space and time. But whenever she does so, she risks arrest by impinging upon various laws set by draconian government.
The anomaly Kagome had to track down for today was a straightforward investigation of an abandoned building in an ashen desert. She decided not to interfere with her day job and collect it after work. However, if anything went wrong and things took longer than anticipated, she risked breaking curfew.
So the building Kagome had to investigate looked much like her old family home, but there was a lot of property damage. Anything that was wooden was burnt black. She had no problem collecting the anomaly which was a magic sphere with unusual patterns on its surface. But just before she got into her car to drive back, the death squads of Warframe from the Perrin Sequence and Cephalon Suda teleported in and started fighting each other. So Kagome had to frantically avoid the crossfire and immediately gtfo.
I had a #dream some time ago about sitting in the backseat of a car and invisibly listening to a conversation between a lawyer and his client. The lawyer has an unusual and sometimes tenuous relationship with his client. They were supposedly carpooling home from something. A word I had heard was "manchildren".
This dream was odd because I also felt connected to my real life body. I was as conscious as laying on the bed with my eyes closed, but I saw the dream so vividly it was just like seeing something in real life.
When the car ride had ended, I stepped out to the front yard of entirely green grass, and saw a light blue three-story house that was showing its age. As I was conscious, I had decided I wanted something sexy to happen. However, instead of anything sexy, some kind of Eurasian steppe nomad NPC from Mount and Blade appeared from nowhere and started attacking me.
This dream started to feel like Half Life or 2000s era first-person melee combat. So stepping forward and backpedaling was an effective way to avoid getting hit. I wanted to get rid of the NPC attacking me, but for whatever reasons, I couldn't get myself to directly attack him. I failed to imagine myself a weapon or sword to fight back, but I had successfully imagined a lightning strike from above to make him disappear.
I had a #dream I saw my deceased pet alive again. I don't recognize the building we were in. But I did have to check-in with a receptionist regarding his condition. I can't recall the words we exchanged.
I had his best friend with me too. When I saw my deceased pet, one of his eyes was sunken (like the state of his corpse before I had to bury him). He seemed happy regardless.
I didn't recall this #dream until the morning of the day after. I had a dream about an unusual version of Devil May Cry 4. The entire scenario and story-related events was completely reordered and reset.
In this version, the protagonist Nero doesn't investigate a cathedral past an icy mountain pass; instead he investigates a crypt in a gloomy dark forest. He does this much sooner in the game, and there were very little upgrades available.
Kind of like the Burial Grounds in Diablo II, the crypt only had a small lobby before the stairs leading to all the underground stone coffins. Without disturbing anything or killing demons, Nero encounters the two bosses from the game Agnus and Sanctus practicing necromancy.
The second player character Dante then abruptly busts down a wall to tell Nero to escape. The red demonic barriers start spawning, and Dante and Nero fight the low-tier demons on their way to the surface.
A few nights ago I had a weird #dream about Teshin from Warframe reincarnating to a parallel universe as a classy half-French half-African businessman with a point mustache. He had connections to Hell, and he was alive during the historical event that was both the French Revolution and The Witch Hunts (Bayonetta).
During such an event, despite his business with Umbran Witches, Teshin was not under suspicion by the French revolutionaries. He associated with them in order to relay information back to Hell and assist the evacuation of demons and witches.
One of Teshin's real estate properties was a cabin on a small island in the middle of a lake, and he allowed the revolutionaries to use it for meetings. One of the pending discussions was how to structure society after the revolution.
In the crowd, I had said "communism" wasn't a real economic theory and was as valid as "capitalism" which had made one of the speakers mad. The crowd got riled up. I thought this meant I was going to get guillotined. So I ran out and summoned a magic hang glider that looked like dragonfly wings to escape. Finally, I flew by a misty mountain over to the Demon Forest and crossed the border between the Human World and Hell.
A whole 200 years later, Teshin is somehow still alive and has never aged. Teshin randomly summons me to the Human World from a summoning circle with a blanket put over it. I had a strong feeling I was summoned in my underwear which is what the blanket was for.
I had a #dream that a software engineer working a remote job was having issues with an uncooperative junior-level co-worker, so he asked me to fill-in for their work. The only thing I really had to do was render a page based on JSON data from a server. Which was trivial.
After I finished that, I left home and drove to visit my friend at an unusual phase of the day. The time on every clock was afternoon hours, but the sky itself was as dark as night. There was so much rain that water started pooling on the streets.
My friend lived in an unrealistic tower with a veranda at the roof. When I had met up with him, he was headed to the roof for some reason even though I told him I didn't want the wind to blow rain onto me.
After I followed him up, he had drawn a sigil on the ground like the transmutation circles from Full Metal Alchemist, and he conducted a ritual to transform a cat into a dog.
I think this dream was about an hour and 30 minutes long.
I had a #dream about searching for druidic relics. I wanted a druid relic so bad I ignored information that indicated that I wouldn't find one.
There was a gilded village in the middle of a gloomy forest. To the south of this village, there was a large, sacred tree that bore golden fruit in the spring and summer. For some reason, it was called The Manifold Tree. In the autumn, it would drop magic clusters of leaves that may yield a druidic relic.
I wanted a relic so bad and didn't want to wait until autumn to try searching for a relic. So I visited the tree and started digging through any pile of dried and fallen leaves for a relic.
The dream ended sometime after I started thinking about how or why the townsfolk were indifferent to a magic tree within walking distance from their town.
I had a weird #dream about smuggling money and weapons across a border with my friend. But the only way to avoid government agents was to go through a spooky dark forest that was guaranteed to have the Tank from Left 4 Dead on the trail.
I very clearly thought about the risks in traveling through this forest. While we did have guns and ammunition, we did not want to use them because our intent was to sell them on the black market. And my friend wanted to do a perfect run with no shots fired; that way, we have the best profit margins and won't attract suspicion. So if the Tank aggros, our only option was to run.
I did not want to run through the spooky forest. While the Tank can be outrun by normal people, he is however very good at taking shortest paths and hitting people with cars or dumpsters. My friend told me it would be easy.
"It's going to be as easy as running through an empty map," he said.
This dream had a very strong semblance to Death Toll but the color palette was darker and less blue, and there was a helicopter ending.
I had a #dream I donated $6 to an orphaned child that was eating candy. I told him to use the money to buy something with nutritional value. But because of my donation, I got in trouble with the non-profit organization looking after him. I never got an explanation why giving him money was so bad, but my first guess was that they were concerned that I wa a kidnapper.
I don't know what age I was in the dream. I was being scolded like a teenager by an adult teacher. Yet my decsiion to donate was based on my financial autonomy as an adult. I was overall pissed afterwards.
Later, as though in petty defiance, I was hanging out with the same orphan and wanted to help him in significant ways without giving him any money. The orphan had a job to lay dynamite in an underwater gold mine. He had a choice in where to lay dynamite and wanted to set it at the spot that yielded the most gold. While scuba diving in an underwater cave, I found some rocks with gold flecks on them and told him about it.
After the dynamite was laid and set to explode, every worker both adult and child in the mines evacuated. The orphan, however, had explicit orders to head in a different direction for the detonation sequence.
Everyone gathered at the surface that was directly above where the dynamite had been placed. I had second-guessed that we were still in a dangerous blast radius. But the ground was safely pulveriszed into a sandy pit and the next step was to dig with shovels and drain the water.
I tried to find the kid. But even after all the debris was cleared from the pool of water, I didn't find him.
(After I woke up, I had guessed the organization was snippy about the donation because it went straight to the kid and not through them. And that they were actually child labor exploitation ring.)
I had a #dream that I was playing an online game. I was playing a co-op mission, and one of the teammates was a idiotic child. Regardless, I tolerated him, and we completed the mission. However, he kept following me afterwards.
So I did everything I could to get away from him. I kept going to high level areas that would be locked to newer players. This child however had those areas unlocked despite his lack of skill.
So I had decided to go to the "Hell" version of the first town where the child would be probably be stuck at for a longer time than I will be. That child then lost my trail, and I minded my own business.
In the meantime, however, he had copied a popular meta build which was to make a 9 foot tall vampire character with high strength stats and a giant weapon. The tradeoff for the build was that the character had limited mobility.
This character then got out of "Helltown" and wielded a two-handed broadsword on the off-hand. After the sun set and the moon rose, the child was back from Hell to annoy me. He, however, got killed by another player playing a similar build. (The player that killed him wielded a spear and was not a vampire.)
That vampire character resurrected "rogue" (without the control of any player) and was now a mindless undead monster out for blood. As a result, almost all NPCs in town closed their businesses and have locked their doors.
When all this was happening, I was playing a quirky low-level "cat" character where I had high jump height and could parkour on rooftops. While I was patrolling, I found a female NPC who was under vampire hypnosis, bitten, and slowly turning but was harmlessly laying on the ground. I then encountered the vampire who had spotted me on the rooftop.
After drinking blood, the vampire character was able to speak again. He tried to convince me to let him drink my blood with some promise that I will become a powerful creature of the night. But there was no way I was going to let him do that. So I started parkouring away.
Even though I had greater mobility, the town was small. So even I was jumping over fences and using other exclusive mobility options, that vampire could catch up to me if I wasn't deliberate. When I arrived to the runic teleportation platform, no matter what I did, I couldn't get it to teleport me out of town. Because of that, the vampire almost cornered me.
So I had to find another way to lose the vampire. I spent around an hour getting chased by a vampire before crashing through a window of a tall building into an empty hotel room (inaccessible without parkouring).
Had a #dream where my stuff got stolen by a Muslim bully from high school because I prayed to a minor northern sea god. When I went on a wooden boat to pray to the sea god amidst a storm, lightning struck a pyre at mast of the ship: The fire was replaced by gifts from the sea god which consisted of some money, a loaf of sourdough bread shaped like a fish, and a cerulean marble representing a 31.33187666% discount coupon at a local store.
The bully stole the sourdough loaf and the marble. Even though he was bigger than me, I felt strongly that I should try and reclaim my items.
I chased after him to the parking lot, and before he could get in his car and drive off I grabbed him and tried to take back what he stole. I was able to steal back the marble. But the fight for sourdough loaf was a tug-of-war at an impasse. I had a strong grip but I knew I wasn't going to out-pull him. However, school staff just happened to be walking by and I called over to her.
After the bully got in trouble, I had to fight with him again. I had actively tried to avoid him but he followed me to my house. I told him to go away and wanted to close and lock the door. But I wasn't able to close the door before he started to wedge it back open with his hands.
A few nights ago, I had a #dream there was an axe murderer in the woods. I was in a cabin with 28 baby budgerigars. I had a bird carrier that can only hold 16 of them at a time. If I left the cabin to evacuate the birds, there was an extremely high chance the axe murderer would come into the unattended cabin and kill the remaining birds.
I was half-conscious and extremely determined to have none of the birds killed. So I summoned a team of 6 spirit tigers and spirit lions to patrol the premises. I had called the police, but it would take them an hour to arrive to the cabin.
The next I remember of this dream was being on the ground after the axe murderer had busted down the door. I could not see any features beyond a pitch black silhouette of him raising his axe. I did not want what was going to logically happen next, and this moment had froze for enough time for the police to arrive.
Originally posted @ https://shitposter.club/notice/AKE9wY8T7ExqFFGQEa
I had a #dream about a fictional anime called Soul Eater Savior. It was about a blue haired anime girl that was the Soul Eater. When she eats the souls of the dying, those souls can persist on the mortal plane slightly longer. The first episode starts in that she had eaten the soul of a teenaged boy named Joey from New York who was touring Tokyo, Japan. Her corporeal body morphs to the form of Joey temporarily to allow him a day on Earth. He shares the same soul-eater pact with two other people: Ayame, a girl who had died in 1986, and Tetsuya, an adult that died in 1905.
The first episode started with Joey haphazardly taking his form in the afternoon on a weekday. A few people had seen him transform from a tall blue haired winged snake girl into a red haired white boy. The people (delinquents) who saw him initially mistake him for a cosplayer who was a professional at on-the-spot costume changes. They harass him further and debate whether he is a boy who has cosplayed as a girl or a girl that has just changed her costume to that of a boy. This is before Tetsuya, a heir to a discontinued samurai family, manifests to beat up both of the delinquents using a lost Japanese martial art form.
After watching a bit of the first episode, I got myself a 3d printed plushie of the characters. This was a limited edition plushie designed by a world reknown Japanese doujin artist and 3d animator. The plushie is known to have a special smile if you squeeze its cheeks.
To get this plushie, I had gone out of my way to travel through my neighborhood industrial wasteland. There was an incomplete factory along the way that still emitted fumes.
Originally posted @ https://shitposter.club/notice/AK9Wy06FNdApFkG7uK
I had a #dream where I was in the putting greens with my three friends. The last hole was inside an unusual small ditch that rejected any ball putted too hard. We couldn't get it so we left, even though it (looked it) would be extremely easy in real life.
We were at a haunted fun park of perpetual evening. It reminded me of a combination of the games CarnEvil and Five Nights At Freddy's. The mascot wa a creepy animatronic blue beaver.
This was the haunted fun park that wouldn't let anyone out. We were riding in the bike park towrds the park entrance. In real life, I had never rode a bike down a set of stairs nor have I rode a 2-passenger bike before. I was fooled that this would be my first time in doing both until I noticed my second passenger was a ghost girl from the 1900s.
At the parking lot, our accomplice arrived in a bus with a large stockpile of guns. He was our driver, and we were going to bust our way out before midnight or die trying. We snuck into the bus. Before the bus drove out, we had to shoot cameras but avoid shooting ghost civilians. This was tricky as we were supposed to shoot the cameras while taking cover under the windows to avoid identifying ourselves.
This dream then started resembling a video game scenario in that we had 7 seconds to destroy all cameras to make the escape sequence easier. We had to avoid civilian casualties, and shoot while the bus was driving. At least the bus drove slowly at first. I had no idea if we actually completed the challenge. But we got out of the theme park, and the bus driver put the pedal to the metal.
Like an on-rails arcade shooter game, we had to shoot off the haunted animatronics that were attacking the bus. One of them was a chimera with the neck of a giraffe that busted through the back window of the bus. This was a boss that disabled all modern guns. But thankfully, we had one muzzleloader to finish the job.
Because we were shooting guns, we attracted the attention of the police. So we also tried to shoot at the tires of the police cars to get them to fuck off. We had only one or two police cars on the tail of the bus. The rest of the police squad I assume was getting eaten by haunted animatronics.
We finally reached the top of the hill where the curse no longer applies. It was a sharp border between night and day based entirely on a street sign. The hill was also a suburban neighborhood. We thought the nightmare was over and let the completely busted bus roll down the hill.
However, the cops fuck everything up. One of the police cars crashed into the cursed street sign. The domain of the curse then expanded into the entire neighborhood. This neighborhood then morphed into Freddy Fazbear's pizzaria citadel. My friends and I were then back at the dead center of what we were trying to escape from.
This time we figured to try swimming across the lake because animatronics aren't going to do so well in water. But we got grabbed by a bunch of ghosts.
I unintentionally woke myself up by tickling myself in the tummy (where one of the ghost hands was). But I was glad that dream was over anyway.