Dream Journal of July 2023

Posted by Antares on Tue Aug 1 2023 (Updated: Tue Aug 01 2023)

I wasn’t vigilant about writing down my dreams for this month.

Crime Family (Aug 1, 2023)

I had a dream that was like playing Payday: The Heist. The game instead is about a family comprised of three relatives. There was one young sdult and two teenager— an uncle, a niece, and a nephew—- living under the reign of a totalitarian government which they could foresee failure and dissolution within their lifetimes.

They had stolen a large amount of money and took refuge in a slum city where they planned to tolerate the poor living conditions until the end of the current reigning law and order.

There was good music playing for this game that resembled the soundtrack from Counterfeit in Payday: The Heist and The Best of Me both by Simon Viklund, but I don’t remember the notes for it neither can I transcribe them.

Unlike, Payday: The Heist, this game had less action and far more stealth. Regularly, in the slum city, there is a police raid for an undisclosed target. The crime family is however on the wanted list, and any of them getting detected or arrested would mean a game over.

In the first segment, I was playing as the niece. She was hiding in a hollow wooden log from a heavily armored police man (Bulldozer from Payday: The Heist). I wondered to what extent video game logic applied and expected idiotic and blind stealth AI that would need to look at something for three seconds before taking notice. In the dream, it turned out they had realistic intelligence and sight. So I got a game over.

I then reloaded and tried again. This time when the police raid was happening. I immediately had all characters flee to the sewers before the police arrive. That way, the police have no leads to search in their vicinity.

The uncle and the nephew were the first two characters that got to ladder to the sewers. They had left the metal lid to the sewer entrance open for the niece; typically, in video games, the player doesn’t have to care about opening and closing doors. As the niece was going down the sewer, I had her go back up to cover because conventional real life logic applies.

I didn’t want to wait out the police search sequence and was satisfied with my progress as is then woke up.

Trying to Save Seedlings (Jul 31, 2023)

I had a dream I was experimenting with chemicals and using soil as a bio-filter. I was at my workspace with pipettes, liquids, and a rectangular container of soil.

The soil was random generic outdoor soil, and a side effect of the experiment was causing any plant seeds (usually weeds) to germinate. Most of the seedlings were dicotyledons (two leaves upon sprouting).

I had a hunch that the one who directed the experiment and wrote the procedures didn’t care about the plants that sprouted, but I tried transplanting the seedlings to clean soil.

Playing Dead (Jul 28, 2023)

I had a dream of COVID lock-downs and curfews. I wasn’t going to deal with it again. So my friends and I had a clandestine plan to escape to someplace else that didn’t have lock-downs.

This plan was publicly pretending to be dead. The time was around dusk when most people are going home. Somewhere in the streets of the city, I laid down like a corpse with a towel over my body. My friends working in EMS would then drive in their ambulance and pick up me and other people pretending to be dead.

I knew in order to convincingly be dead I had to control my breathing so my chest doesn’t rise and fall. I woke myself up because this was hard, and I ended up manually breathing in real life.

Haunted Laboratory (Jul 25, 2023)

I had a dream of being at a tainted laboratory at night. A few other people and I were bound to fulfill a task set by a ghost. I don’t quite follow standard safety procedures in this dream.

I took off my gloves in order to rub my eyes. But someone was too late to warn me that the skin of my hands was infected. I look at my hands, and the skin was irritated with flakes of skin peeling off. There was also a bug that resembled a rolly-polly embedded into the flab of skin between my pointer finger and my thumb. While, I didn’t immediately do anything about spreading an infection to my eyes, I manually pulled the bug out.

Later, I get chased by the corpses of people who died to a skin-eating virus. To get away from the zombies, I had to the roof and jump into a floating platform. Like a video game NPC that has no route towards a destination, they idle directly underneath the platform I was on.

The platform then moves somewhere towards the domain of the volcano god that reanimated the zombies to begin with. The volcano god’s avatar was someone who had fell into lava and died; he or she appeared in the smoke coming from the volcano. He appeared to be focused on other buildings in the city, cursing humanity for some reason.

Out for the Night in a Dream City (Jul 23, 2023)

I had a dream about buying a video game at a store. The game developer was some indie dev I argued with on the internet via a video gaming forum about game design. The game ordinarily was priced at $15. But most reviews had said it was more of a music album than it was a game, and the game’s length was around 2 hours. What I remember of the game was some kind of space or aircraft flying towards the setting sun. But I don’t remember the title.

I was outside in a city at night with bags like I came out of a shopping mall. I apparently had a music player with me and was able to play the soundtrack of the video game from it.

Because I had appreciated the glitch and dark trance soundtrack of the game, I wanted to play it publicly so everyone could hear. Unfortunately, my favorite track of the album, which I overall rate mediocre, had a 1 minute 41 second intro until the good parts. The intro wasn’t recognizable as music and could be described more as a soundscape of glitch. I had to awkwardly wait this out.

Another part I remember about this dream was that I was going for a drive-thru at a restaurant. The drive-thru somehow had two lanes and was extremely semi-circle shaped.

The last thing I remember about the dream was Towa Hirugashi from Hanyo no Yashahime, while in her full-demon state, activating a giant dog transformation. This was an ability in the Inuyasha series that only full-blooded inu daiyokai were canonically capable of. She is however capable of speech in her giant dog form unlike her father, grandfather and grandmother. She told me she saw through the astral plane and saw the origin of inu daiyokai. Which in ancient times, a white dog had bitten a primordial god and drawn blood.

Hunter Cult (Jul 21, 2023)

I dreamed of going to the plaza on the weekend. Most buildings here only had one story. The store I was going to had limited hours open, so it felt more like a Sunday.

Later, I had to travel north to a forest in order to visit a community I had previously interacted online only. Within this community, a few people had flamed me before for not specifying my location or disclosing my real name.

I arrived there by hang glider. The community was on a mountain just under a valley between two peaks. The area is known as a place where falcons gather.

I woke up after the other initiate pointed out she found a hawk, and I thought about turning back to grab it.

Jul 19, 2023

I had a dream about a place that was a skate park, outdoor gymnasium, restaurant, and community center. I spent a lot of time skateboarding and doing tricks I ordinarily wouldn’t be able to do in real life. (I don’t skateboard at all in real life.) I mostly did jumps and grinds. Whenever I did sets of pull ups on a pull-up bar, my arms didn’t feel any fatigue.

When the sunset, I couldn’t stay and had to go home. A few people were leaving by the train station, but I decided to just skateboard back knowing my trip would be a few miles. The way home was absolutely covered in train tracks however, and I had to dodge a train.

Jul 18, 2023

The first dream was about celebration “my cousin’s” birthday. She looked like my cousin but didn’t actually have her personality. For some reason, my cousin wasn’t leaving her room.

I had crazy dream powers. I changed her room from indoors to outdoors and summoned dwarf jesters to try and make her happy. But she seemed indifferent.

Her brother was out the entire time. This dream ended around the time he came back.

In the second dream. I visualized a warning for a tsunami coming from the coast and crashing into buildings in the city. Regardless, on a cloudy day at the beach, I met up with two online friends at a concert hosted by a circus.

Jul 17, 2023

Dream 1:

I was in a city during a crisis of spiritual energy. I ran into a two-story hotel room that somewhat resembled a cross between a 90s-era arena first person shooter game map and an Orokin tile from Warframe.

This two-story hotel room had no stairs or ladders. The way to access the second floor from the ground floor was to use a elevator. This elevator was visually similar to a jump pad in Quake-styled maps, and the only way to get the elevator to travel tot he first floor is if someone from the second floor traveled to the first floor. This design was intentional because ghosts would haunt the ground floors of the building only and would have no access to the second floor.

Dream 2:

I was awake in the morning trying to recall my dreams (this is still a dream). Meanwhile, my family had temporarily hosted two kids while law enforcement was looking for their parents (felt more like mother).

I had managed to recall a dream other than the hotel room. (When I was actually awake, the only vague detail I recalled was a mountain and hang gliding.)

The two kids that were being hosted were two boys. One of them seemed to be smarter than average and the other was a bit dull. The smarter boy had an idea to build a human robot from Lego parts. While he did seem to be more knowledgeable than the average 12 year old, the way he approached his idea was still obviously flawed.

He started by looking for similar projects to reference on Github. He then started to look for long Lego brick parts so he could clump them together in a same of a bone (femur).

I tell him to stop looking for Lego bricks and try using Bionicle parts instead. But he sort of ignores me.

I then remember my very old Lego robot which came with some embedded chip. It had one output on the bottom that would make two wheels spin.

Because of this dream, I remembered Lego Mindstorm used to be a thing.

Jul 16, 2023

I had a dream that I slept in late on the weekend and was late for work. Then I noticed time passed non-linearly.

A guy named Alan who doesn’t exist in real life was working in the break room on a laptop, and got a private message from the CEO to be trained for a new role in the company. Alan’s laptop had a submarine sonar spinning on his computer

When the HR person came by, she didn’t take notice to me or any other weird on-goings; therefore, I decided to just go back home without doing anything.

When I got to the parking lot, I noticed there was a random insane girl fighting with some other employee. I didn’t want to get involved, so I just go to my car. However, the crazy girl notices me, follows me.

Just as I get in to the driver’s seat of the car, she shoves herself in, so two of us are squished on one seat. Then I pushed her out and immediately started driving away.

I notice the route from work is different. There is one overpass bridge that doesn’t exist in real life. It was also of a dream-like, nonsense and impractical architecture. The underpass was a “drive-through convenience store”. Whether the doors were open or closed functioned analogously to traffic lights.

Jul 15, 2023

I had a dream of a landscape that was similar in style to Duviri from the Duviri Paradox. Instead of riding an undead horse, I was driving a car, and there were bunches of road signs.

There was an Undercroft portal that lead to a backroom of an arcade. This part gets hard to explain because it acts somewhat like a game interface.

There were a row of chairs with people seated on them including an old lady labeled “The Queen of England”. The people present were mostly fictional and initially didn’t seem to be unaffiliated with each other. However, selecting one of the characters leads to a sequence where they are forced to reveal their best friend and narrate their opinions of the other person.

One of the characters present was a middle school boy with acne and poor fashion choice (like with most kids who have their clothes purchased by their parents). This was a character everyone expected most others to have a low opinion of. When I had selected a random character, he indeed said a negative opinion of the boy with acne to which the boy had taken offense.

I then got curious about “the best friend of The Queen of England”, and found out it turned out to be a deceased banker.

Jul 11, 2023

I had a dream of a large grey, concrete campus. It doesn’t match any real life function; the best approximation was that it was a slum on an abandoned school campus. It resembled the low-tier middle school in my area, but everyone was friendly. The indoor sections of the building were small and narrow even for children.

The color of the sky was a vibrant dark blue, and the moon was red. There were people carting around their stuff like it was day time.

When I had went there with a friend we were recognized as outsiders. We were getting stalked by a few people. My friend however had a key to some secret areas. We lost the stalkers by opening a secret door in what was often assumed to be a wall, and going through a secret corridor.

Near the end of the dream, I had thought about taking a photo of the lunar eclipse; however, it was just as the red shadow lifted from the moon and turned it white again.